Wednesday, November 5, 2008

December show submissions coming to a close

We are all anxiously awaiting the end of submissions for our December show. We've been looking through all the submissions and it looks pretty darned cool to see the different ways people are interpreting the theme of "Everyday" and showing us different parts of their lives.

Needless to say, I'm pretty excited to make the final selections this weekend and notify folks to please send us their prints so I can see and touch them in person. There really is something nice about seeing a print in person as opposed to seeing it on a screen. A physical print is much easier for me to digest and understand than it is on a screen, where the colours may be different from what the artist intended; after all, not all of us have finely calibrated monitors.

Speaking of the highly-anticipated deadline, it's this Friday, so if you were planning to submit, get off your butt and get submitting!!

We'll be releasing a brand new theme for January's show very soon, so keep an eye out!

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